Saturday, August 20, 2005


POLICIES: Do they help or hurt??

Every organization has policies. These rules and guidelines are put in place to help people. Is this true? As a general rule, I would have to say YES!! Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Right now, I live in a community which prohibits play equipment for children. How can this help people? This policy actually hurts the children in the neighborhood. This poor kids are so bored, some have turned to crime. By these kids turning to crime, it actually hurts the community in the long run.

This is just one example of policies which hurt people. Another one would be rules concerning harassment and discrimation. There is no way to truly prove or dissprove these actions. That makes it extremely hard for the others in the community. Because of the policies, there are innocent people getting screwed in the deal. These people have nothing to do with whatever the problem may be, they are caught in the middle by either assocation or just living in the community.

This has to stop or the community will continue to go downhill. Soon, there will be only criminals and vagrants, not the type of person you want your family living next door too.

I agree that there are some policies that have hurt people.....the not letting the kids have their play equipment is just one of them.......I agree that there are people who are getting screwed by some of the policies that are put in place to help and that there is a good amount of discrimination going on within the housing can we change this? How can we prove or disprove what is going on when no one is willing to listen to those that it is happening to? I don't know, but I can say this..........I'm not going to take it any more.
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